Table 3
Analysis of inter-organisational power relationships.
Analyse des relations de pouvoir entre organisations. Situation avant le démarrage de la plate-forme d’innovation et situation mi-2014.
Situation before IPs began their work | |
Mutual dependency Researchers/ extension agents |
One-sided dependency Nursery holders on researchers and extension agents |
Co-existence/cooperation Individuals who became IP members, traditional authorities, local government |
Competition Among nursery holders and between larger and smaller growers |
Synergy Individuals who became IP members and small-scale processors |
Antagonism Between cheated farmers and those who were corrupting seedling supply |
Situation mid 2014 | |
Mutual dependency Researchers/extension agents/growers |
One-sided dependency Processors on credit agencies |
Co-existence/cooperation IP members, traditional authorities, local government |
Competition Among authorised and unauthorised nurseries |
Synergy IP members, small-scale farmers & processors, micro-finance agencies, input dealers |
Antagonism CRA-PP's certification agents and unauthorised nurserymen |
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