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Impact of CS-IPM on Key Social Welfare Aspects of Smallholder Farmers’ Livelihoods

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Can Drones Help Smallholder Farmers Improve Agriculture Efficiencies and Reduce Food Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa? Local Perceptions from Malawi

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A Differential Phytohormone Profile in the Aerial Part and Roots as a Response to Water Stress Underlying Morphophysiological and Biochemical Changes in Two Inbred Sunflower Lines at Early Growth Stage

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Farmers’ choice for indigenous practices and implications for climate-smart agriculture in northern Ghana

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Heliyon 9 (11) e22162 (2023)

Effects of climate variability on local communities living in and around Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda

F. S. Nalwanga, M. Sowman, Paul Mukwaya, et al.
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 16 (6) 207 (2022)

Precision and intelligent agricultural decision support system based on big data analysis

Qiao Jie
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 72 (1) 401 (2022)

Comparative Genetic Diversity Analysis for Biomass Allocation and Drought Tolerance in Wheat

Kwame W. Shamuyarira, Hussein Shimelis, Isack Mathew, et al.
Agronomy 12 (6) 1457 (2022)

Short-term yield gains or long-term sustainability? – a synthesis of Conservation Agriculture long-term experiments in Southern Africa

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Farmers’ Perception of Climate Change and Climate-Smart Agriculture in Northern Benin, West Africa

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Agronomy 12 (6) 1348 (2022)

Potential of domesticating the underutilized multipurpose wild leafy vegetable, Sesamum alatum, under low input organic cropping systems

KC Mbatha, S Mavengahama and NR Ntuli
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Research on variable rate fertilisation machine based on big data analysis

Fang Gao and Hongchang Li
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 72 (1) 225 (2022)

Crop Growth Monitoring System Based on Agricultural Internet of Things Technology

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Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2022 1 (2022)

Effect of Mulching and Permanent Planting Basin Dimensions on Maize (Zea mays L.) Production in a Sub-Humid Climate

Alex Zizinga, Jackson-Gilbert Majaliwa Mwanjalolo, Britta Tietjen, et al.
Water 14 (1) 79 (2022)

Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies for crops in West Africa: a systematic review

Tony W Carr, Siyabusa Mkuhlani, Alcade C Segnon, et al.
Environmental Research Letters 17 (5) 053001 (2022)

Planning of agricultural ecological scenery based on the concept of traditional rural culture

Hang Sun and Shengxian Tang
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 72 (1) 333 (2022)

Shepherding Sub-Saharan Africa's Wildlife Through Peak Anthropogenic Pressure Toward a Green Anthropocene

P.A. Lindsey, S.H. Anderson, A. Dickman, et al.
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 47 (1) 91 (2022)

The Role and Perspective of Climate Smart Agriculture in Africa: A Scientific Review

Victor O. Abegunde and Ajuruchukwu Obi
Sustainability 14 (4) 2317 (2022)

Climate Change Effect on Water Use Efficiency under Selected Soil and Water Conservation Practices in the Ruzizi Catchment, Eastern D.R. Congo

Espoir M. Bagula, Jackson Gilbert M. Majaliwa, Gustave N. Mushagalusa, Twaha A. Basamba, John-Baptist Tumuhairwe, Jean-Gomez M. Mondo, Patrick Musinguzi, Cephas B. Mwimangire, Géant B. Chuma, Anthony Egeru and Moses M. Tenywa
Land 11 (9) 1409 (2022)

Climate-Smart Agriculture in African Countries: A Review of Strategies and Impacts on Smallholder Farmers

Thaddaeus Obaji Ariom, Elodie Dimon, Eva Nambeye, Ndèye Seynabou Diouf, Oludotun Olusegun Adelusi and Sofiane Boudalia
Sustainability 14 (18) 11370 (2022)

Water Use Efficiency of Maize (Zea mays L.) Crop under Selected Soil and Water Conservation Practices along the Slope Gradient in Ruzizi Watershed, Eastern D.R. Congo

Espoir Mukengere Bagula, Jackson-Gilbert Mwanjalolo Majaliwa, Twaha Ali Basamba, Jean-Gomez Mubalama Mondo, Bernard Vanlauwe, Geofrey Gabiri, John-Baptist Tumuhairwe, Gustave Nachigera Mushagalusa, Patrick Musinguzi, Sarah Akello, Anthony Egeru and Moses Makooma Tenywa
Land 11 (10) 1833 (2022)

Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sarah Ephrida Tione, Dorothy Nampanzira, Gloria Nalule, Olivier Kashongwe and Samson Pilanazo Katengeza
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Simulating Maize Productivity under Selected Climate Smart Agriculture Practices Using AquaCrop Model in a Sub-humid Environment

Alex Zizinga, Jackson Gilbert Majaliwa Mwanjalolo, Britta Tietjen, et al.
Sustainability 14 (4) 2036 (2022)

Framing the future of the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture from science-based evidence. A review

Nandrianina Ramifehiarivo, Tiphaine Chevallier, Dimitri Defrance, Michel Brossard and Jean-Luc Chotte
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 42 (5) (2022)

Vulnerability of smallholder agriculture to environmental change in North-Western Ghana and implications for development planning

Emmanuel Kanchebe Derbile, Dennis Chirawurah and Francis Xavier Naab
Climate and Development 14 (1) 39 (2022)

Probabilistic modeling of crop-yield loss risk under drought: a spatial showcase for sub-Saharan Africa

Bahareh Kamali, Farshid Jahanbakhshi, Diana Dogaru, et al.
Environmental Research Letters 17 (2) 024028 (2022)

Coordinated development mechanism and path of agricultural logistics ecosystem based on big data analysis and IoT assistance

Jingyu Cao
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 72 (1) 214 (2022)

Climate change adaptation options to inform planning of agriculture and food systems in The Gambia: A systematic approach for stocktaking

Alcade C. Segnon, Robert B. Zougmoré, Rosemary Green, et al.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6 (2022)

Adapting to Climate Change Through Conservation Agriculture: A Gendered Analysis of Eastern Zambia

Bridget Bwalya Umar
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5 (2021)

Research on smart agricultural waste discharge supervision and prevention based on big data technology

Suolang Yuzhen
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 71 (8) 683 (2021)

Trade-offs and synergies of climate change adaptation strategies among smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review

Devinia Princess Akinyi, Stanley Karanja Ng’ang’a and Evan Hartunian Girvetz
Regional Sustainability 2 (2) 130 (2021)

Ex ante mapping of favorable zones for uptake of climate-smart agricultural practices: A case study in West Africa

Nadine Andrieu, Patrice Dumas, Emma Hemmerlé, et al.
Environmental Development 37 100566 (2021)

To what extent do weather and climate information services drive the adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices in Ghana?

Abdoulaye Djido, Robert B. Zougmoré, Prosper Houessionon, et al.
Climate Risk Management 32 100309 (2021)

Research on the construction and optimisation of agricultural product circulation standard system under the internet background

Xihua Zhang and Qiaoyan Cai
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 71 (9) 1006 (2021)

Unlocking the potential for achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 – ‘Zero Hunger’ – in Africa: targets, strategies, synergies and challenges

Prudence Atukunda, Wenche Barth Eide, Kristin R. Kardel, Per Ole Iversen and Ane C. Westerberg
Food & Nutrition Research 65 (2021)

A gendered lens to self-evaluated and actual climate change knowledge

Batanai Sammie, Elvis Mupfiga, Liboster Mwadzingeni, Tavengwa Chitata and Raymond Mugandani
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 11 (1) 65 (2021)

Data mining and statistics issues of precision and intelligent agriculture based on big data analysis

Zhiwei Rao and Jie Yuan
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 71 (9) 870 (2021)

Media coverage on food security and climate-smart agriculture: A case study of newspapers in Zimbabwe

Innocent Kutyauripo, Nyaradzo Prisca Mavodza, Christopher Tafara Gadzirayi and Pedro González-Redondo
Cogent Food & Agriculture 7 (1) (2021)

Community's Vulnerability to Drought-Driven Water Scarcity and Food Insecurity in Central and Northern Semi-arid Areas of Tanzania

Makarius V. Mdemu
Frontiers in Climate 3 (2021)

Design and application of agricultural ecological building engineering

Ping Gong and Dong Wang
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 71 (9) 783 (2021)

Are local development plans mainstreaming climate-smart agriculture? A mixed-content analysis of medium-term development plans in semi-arid Ghana

Stephen Kofi Diko, Seth Asare Okyere, Seth Opoku Mensah, et al.
Socio-Ecological Practice Research 3 (2) 185 (2021)

Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analysis of Drought Stress Response in Opium Poppy Plants during the First Week of Germination

Kristýna Kundrátová, Martin Bartas, Petr Pečinka, et al.
Plants 10 (9) 1878 (2021)

The role and impact of environmental big data in agricultural disaster management

Shuyu Chen
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science 71 (9) 907 (2021)

Description of climatic factors for informed Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivation in Kafta Humera District, North Ethiopia

Kahsay Tadesse Mawcha, Micheale Gebrekirstos Gebreslassie, Hailu Molla Gebreyohannes and Assefa Mewael Kiros
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Perception et stratégies d’adaptation aux incertitudes climatiques par les exploitants agricoles des zones marécageuses au Sud-Kivu

Arsène Mushagalusa Balasha, Jean-Hélène Kitsali Katungo, Benjamin Murhula Balasha, Lebon Hwali Masheka, Aloïse Bitagirwa Ndele, Volonté Cirhuza , Jean -Baptiste Assumani Buhendwa, Innocent Akilimali, Nicanor Cubaka and Benoît Bismwa
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