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Impact of Feeding Practices on the Reproductive Performance of <i>Kirdimi</i> Goats in the Department of Tandjilé-Center, Chad
Nestor Odjigue, Madjina Tellah, Félix Tamya, Brice Tchang, Michel Assadi and Mama Baizina American Journal of Zoology 7(4) 76 (2024)
The effect of the silvopastoral system on milk production and reproductive performance of dairy cows and its contribution to adaptation to a changing climate in the drylands of Benin (West-Africa)
Alassan Assani Seidou, Oyéniran Thierry La Fronde Offoumon, Sorebou Hilaire Sanni Worogo, Isidore Houaga, Amoudawenou Koara Yarou, Maximilien Azalou, Foukpe Zhairath Adambi Boukari, Yaya Idrissou, Marcel Houinato and Ibrahim Alkoiret Traoré Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7 (2023)
Malian Farmers’ Perception of Sustainable Agriculture: The Case of Southern Mali Farmers