Cahiers Agricultures

Cahiers Agricultures is a - mainly - French language scientific journal on world farming systems, how they are changing and their role in society. It is aimed at all those – researchers, field workers, teachers – who are interested in a holistic reflection on the agricultural world.

Cahiers Agricultures is a “Diamond” Open access journal; all papers are freely available without subscription or publication fees for authors as it is sponsored by CIRAD and IRD. The journal celebrated 30 years of publication in 2022.

Consult our thematic sections here.

Most read articles

Réduire l’utilisation des pesticides agricoles dans les pays du Sud : verrous et leviers socio-techniques / Reducing the use of agricultural pesticides in Southern countries: socio-technical barriers and levers. Coordonnateurs : Ludovic Temple, Nathalie Jas, Fabrice Le Bellec, Jean-Noël Aubertot, Olivier Dangles, Jean-Philippe Deguine, Catherine Abadie, Eveline Compaore Sawadogo, François-Xavier Cote
Open Access
Article de recherche / Research Article

Usage des biopesticides en substitution aux pesticides de synthèse au Burkina Faso : une adoption limitée

Cah. Agric., 34 (2025) 1
Recent articles (published in the past 5 years)
Agriculture et services écosystémiques dans les pays du Sud. Coordonnateurs : Georges Serpantié, Philippe Méral, Fano Andriamahefazafy, Jean-Christophe Castella, Malyne Neang
Open Access
Article de synthèse / Review Article

Ecosystem services and disservices associated with pastoral systems from Patagonia, Argentina – A review

Cah. Agric., 30 (2021) 43