Open Access

Table 6

The amount of willingness to pay for an efficient adaptation programme with statistics.

Montant que les participants sont prêts à payer pour un programme d’adaptation efficace, et statistiques.

The amount of willingness to pay for an efficient adaptation programme (n = 357)

Items Frequency Percentage
RM 0 72 20.17
RM 5 106 29.69
RM 10 75 21.01
RM 16 52 14.57
RM 25 22 6.16
RM 35 12 3.36
RM 45 10 2.80
RM 200 8 2.24
Total 357 100
Statistics of willingness to pay (n = 357)
Mean 14.38 (std error of mean 1.58)
Median 10
Std Deviation 29.91
Skewness 5.416 (std error of skewness 0.130)
Kurtosis 30.951 (std error of kurtosis 0.260)
Minimum RM 0
Maximum RM 200

Source: author's calculation.

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