Open Access
Table 2
Summary statistics.
Statistiques descriptives.
Variables | n | Mean | Std.Dev. | Min. | Max | |
Dependent variables | Total sales revenue | 1061 | 5194.67 | 12 399.85 | 13.17 | 188 803.00 |
Number of orders | 1061 | 308.31 | 920.47 | 1 | 15 406 | |
Independent variable | Presence of GIs | Presence(1): n = 192; Absence(0): n = 869 | ||||
Control variables | Customer rating | 1061 | 91.99 | 6.53 | 45 | 100 |
Number of customer reviews | 1061 | 342.44 | 1385.97 | 1 | 37 465 | |
Product unit price | 1061 | 19.75 | 12.45 | 1.78 | 118.5 | |
Number of certifications | 1061 | 0.106 | 0.386 | 0 | 3 |
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