Table 1
Examples of public policies applied in the Americas to support oil palm development; (a) Countries where public policies changed from incentive to regulative.
Exemples de politiques publiques appliquées en Amérique pour accompagner le développement du secteur élaéicole ; (a) Pays où les politiques publiques ont évolué de politiques incitatives à régulatrices.
Country | Title of the public policy | Year(s) | Content of the public policy | Objectives of the policy | Incentive | Regulative |
Brazil | Planejamento para a Implantação da Cultura do Dendezeiro no Pará | 1964 | ● establish first plantations | X | ||
Programa Nacional de Pesquisa do Dendê | 1980–1985 | ● provide high quality seedlings | limit dependence on commercial seeds and seedlings | X | ||
Programa Nacional De Fortalecimento Da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) Eco/Dende | 1990s | ● offer a preferential interest rate to oil palm growers ● finance scientific improvement ● provide technical support |
X | |||
Social Fuel Seal (part of the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel – PNPB) | 2005 | ● offer tax breaks to the industrial mills supplied by smallholders | promote social inclusion, stimulate agricultural production and development in marginal and poor areas | X | ||
Programa de Produção Sustentável de Palma de Óleo no Brasil (SPOPP) | 2010 | ● set new regulations and penalties on cultivation areas ● establish lines of credit ● provide technical assistance to producers ● provide research and innovation funds |
supervise the development of oil palm cultivation, restrict plantations development to degraded areas, preserve forests, include family farming | X | ||
Colombia | Fondo de Fomento Palmero (FFP) | 1994 | ● fund research and marketing programs | X | ||
Decreto 2354 : Fondo de Estabilización de Precios para el Palmiste, el Aceite de Palma y sus Fracciones (FEP palmero) | 1996 | stabilize the income of producers | X | |||
CONPES 3477 : Estrategia Para El Desarrollo Competitivo Del Sector Palmero Colombiano | 2007 | ● offer credits to renew crops and to modernize extraction mills ● support the first productive alliance with 640 families |
sustainably increase the competitiveness and production of the sector | X | ||
CONPES 3510 : Lineamientos de política para promover la producción sostenible de biocombustibles en Colombia | 2008 | produce knowledge on environmental issues, encourage an environmental certification program for biofuels, zoning of biofuel establishment areas, promote reduction of GHG emissions, strengthen environmental regulations | X | |||
Ecuador | Plan de Mejor Competitiva de la cadena palma de aceite (PMC) | 2014 | analyze the sector and its prospects, design strategic development | |||
Decreto 427 | 2014 | ● offer tax exemptions for growers in the region of the Esmeraldas | X | |||
PROPALMA | 2015 | ● provide training and certification to growers | increase the productivity of the sector | X | ||
Peru | Decreto Supremo 015-2000-AG | 2000 | ● declare the oil palm plantations of national interest | recover land allocated to migratory agriculture and illegal crops (coca) by establishing oil palm plantations | X | |
Plan Nacional de Promocion de la Palma Aceitera. Perú 2000–2010 | 2001 | expand oil palm in the Amazonian region | X | |||
Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Palma Aceitera en el Peru (Resolucion Ministerial No0565-2015-Minagri) | 2015 | strengthen and sustainably improve the competitiveness, improve the services offered to producers, improve institutions and policies related to oil palm cultivation | X |
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