Table 1

Characteristics of citrus farms studied (N= 241).

Caractéristiques des exploitations d’agrumes étudiées (N= 241).

Age 50% are under 60, of which 11% are under 45
Level of education 70% of citrus growers have an average level of education or less, of which 12% are illiterate. 10% are academics.
Agricultural training 37% of citrus growers have received training in agriculture but it is short training (one week maximum) for 66% of them.
Other activity Only 10% are pluriactive.
Experience 37% started farming before 1980
33% between 1980 and 1990
30% between 1990 and 2017
Useful agricultural area 58% ≤ 5 ha
Citrus area 71% ≤ 5 ha, of which 43% ≤ 3 ha
Period of installation of the agricultural operation 20.5% of citrus orchards were installed during the colonial period
20.5% from 1963 to 1993
38.92 % from 1994 to 2014
20.08% from 2015 to 2021
Legal status of land 94.2% have concession status and 5.8% ownership
Yield 45.3% of citrus growers have a yield under 100 q/ha
34% have a yield between 100 and 200 q/ha
Only 17.8% exceed 200 q/ha.
For the remaining 2.9%, orchards have not yet returned to production
Diversification of agricultural production 81.3% produce only citrus fruits.
Diversification includes animal husbandry (8.6%, including 4% cattle farming), arboriculture (5.4%, other species than citrus fruits), cereals (2.5%) and market gardening (2.2%).

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