Table 3

Citrus growers’ use of agro-suppliers for farm advice according to various factors.

Utilisation des agrofournisseurs par les agrumiculteurs pour le conseil agricole selon différents facteurs.

  Number of farmers %
Citrus area (ha)    
≤ 3 41 30.82
> 3 ≤ 5 ha 40 30.07
> 5 ≤ 10 ha 34 25.56
> 10 ≤ 15 ha 5 3.75
> 15 ≤ 30 ha 9 6.76
> 30 4 3.00
≥ 30 ≤ 45 26 19.54
≥ 46 ≤ 59 57 42.85
≥ 60 ≤ 70 27 20.30
71 years and older 23 17.29
Level of education    
Illiterate 12 9.02
Coranic school 11 8.27
Primary 19 14.28
Medium 49 36.64
Secondary 25 18.79
University 17 12.21
Type of advice sought    
Phytosanitary treatments 125 93.98
Fertilizer administration 98 73.68
Choice of varieties and plants 14 10.52
Technical advice 76 57.14
Irrigation 35 26.31
Commercialization 27 20.30
Export 1 0.75
Economic gain 125 93.98
Improvement of working conditions 54 40.60
Environmental protection 39 29.32
Classical technical practices 80 60.15
Information on innovations and new agricultural techniques 41 30.82
≤ 50 q/ ha 14 10.52
> 50 ≤ 100 q/ha 39 29.32
> 100 ≤ 200 q/ha 54 40.60
> 200 ≤ 300 q/ha 18 13.53
> 300 q/ha 08 6.01

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