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Effect of Training on Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice on the Use of Hermetic Storage Technologies among Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania
Baraka Mbesa, Jeremia Makindara, Michael Kadigi, Ramadhani Majubwa and Richard Madege African Journal of Empirical Research 5(2) 881 (2024)
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The predictors driving farmers’ decision on drying and storage technology adoption
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Factors driving the adoption of organic tea farming in the northern region of Bangladesh
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Impact of adopting maize hermetic storage technologies on smallholder farmers’ income in Gatsibo District, Rwanda
Revealing the pathway of reluctancy toward agricultural credit repayment: a case study on fish farmers in Bangladesh
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Analysis of static and dynamic capacity in Paraná State, Brazil
Elizabeth Giron Cima, Miguel Angel Uribe-Opazo, Jerry Adriani Johann, Weimar Freire da Rocha Junior and Willyan Ronaldo Becker Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy 42 e44440 (2020)
The impacts of postharvest storage innovations on food security and welfare in Ethiopia