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The impact of access to climate services on smallholder farmers' cropping decisions and household food security in Elundini municipality, Eastern Cape province
Understanding farmers’ perception of climate change and adaptation practices in the marshlands of South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo
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What affects farmers in choosing better agroforestry practice as a strategy of climate change adaptation? An experience from the mid-hills of Nepal
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Awareness and perception of climate change by smallholder farmers in two agroecological zones of Oyo state Southwest Nigeria
Expert’s opinion on Irish potato farmers awareness and preferences towards climate smart agriculture practices attributes in Kenya; A conjoint analysis
Winifred Chepkoech, Nancy W. Mungai, Hillary K. Bett, Silke Stöber and Hermann Lotze-Campen Handbook of Climate Change Resilience 845 (2020)
Farmer-Led Irrigation and Its Impacts on Smallholder Farmers’ Crop Income: Evidence from Southern Tanzania
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Determinants of smallholder farmers' adoption of adaptation strategies to climate change in Eastern Tigray National Regional State of Ethiopia
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The Role of Systems of Innovation in Adapting to Climate Change: The Case of the Kenyan Coffee and Dairy Sectors
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