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The impact of access to climate services on smallholder farmers' cropping decisions and household food security in Elundini municipality, Eastern Cape province

Yanga-Inkosi Nocezo, Jabulile Zamokuhle Manyike, Leocadia Zhou and Saul Ngarava
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Behavioural communication change for empowering small-scale farmers in addressing climate change: Perceptions, mitigation and adaptation strategies

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African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 18 (3) 69 (2024)

Perception of and adjustment to adverse weather events among smallholder coffee farmers in Rwanda

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Environment, Development and Sustainability (2024)

Climate change awareness, perceived impacts, and adaptation from farmers’ experience and behavior: a triple-loop review

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Understanding farmers’ perception of climate change and adaptation practices in the marshlands of South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo

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What affects farmers in choosing better agroforestry practice as a strategy of climate change adaptation? An experience from the mid-hills of Nepal

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Climate Change Adaptation Strategies by Indonesian Vegetable Farmers: Comparative Study of Organic and Conventional Farmers

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Awareness and perception of climate change by smallholder farmers in two agroecological zones of Oyo state Southwest Nigeria

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Perceived Climate Change and Determinants of Adaptation Responses by Smallholder Farmers in Central Ethiopia

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Adaptation to climate change risks among dairy farmers in Punjab, Pakistan

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Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change and Impacts on Household Income and Food Security: Evidence from Sahelian Region of Niger

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Farmers’ Perception of Climate Change and Climate-Smart Agriculture in Northern Benin, West Africa

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Are We Adapting to Climate Change? Evidence from the High-Quality Agri-Food Sector in the Veneto Region

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Climate change and variability perceptions and adaptations of pastoralists’ communities in the Maasai Steppe, Tanzania

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Climate change impacts and relevance of smallholder farmers’ response in arid and semi-arid lands in Kenya

Dorcas N. Kalele, William O. Ogara, Christopher Oludhe and Joshua O. Onono
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Perception et stratégies d’adaptation aux incertitudes climatiques par les exploitants agricoles des zones marécageuses au Sud-Kivu

Arsène Mushagalusa Balasha, Jean-Hélène Kitsali Katungo, Benjamin Murhula Balasha, Lebon Hwali Masheka, Aloïse Bitagirwa Ndele, Volonté Cirhuza , Jean -Baptiste Assumani Buhendwa, Innocent Akilimali, Nicanor Cubaka and Benoît Bismwa
VertigO (Volume 21 Numéro 1) (2021)

Expert’s opinion on Irish potato farmers awareness and preferences towards climate smart agriculture practices attributes in Kenya; A conjoint analysis

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What Affects Farmers in Choosing Better Agroforestry Practice as a Strategy of Climate Change Adaptation? An Experience from the Mid-Hills of Nepal

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Potential threats to agricultural food production and farmers’ coping strategies in the marshlands of Kabare in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Mushagalusa Balasha Arsene, Jules Nkulu Mwine Fyama and Manuel Tejada Moral
Cogent Food & Agriculture 7 (1) (2021)

Smallholder farmers’ perception of climate change and adaptation strategy choices in Central Ethiopia

Yonnas Addis and Solomon Abirdew
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 13 (4/5) 463 (2021)

Determinants of farmers' perceptions of climate variability, mitigation, and adaptation strategies in the central highlands of Kenya

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Weather and Climate Extremes 34 100374 (2021)

Handbook of Climate Change Resilience

Winifred Chepkoech, Nancy W. Mungai, Hillary K. Bett, Silke Stöber and Hermann Lotze-Campen
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Farmer-Led Irrigation and Its Impacts on Smallholder Farmers’ Crop Income: Evidence from Southern Tanzania

Maurice Osewe, Aijun Liu and Tim Njagi
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Determinants of smallholder farmers' adoption of adaptation strategies to climate change in Eastern Tigray National Regional State of Ethiopia

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Integrating human behavior dynamics into drought risk assessment—A sociohydrologic, agent‐based approach

Marthe Wens, J. Michael Johnson, Cecilia Zagaria and Ted I. E. Veldkamp
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Determinants of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies: An Application of Protection Motivation Theory in Konta District, South Western Ethiopia

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Determinants of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation strategies: An Application of Protection Motivation Theory

Dereje Tesema Regasa and Nega Abera Akirso
Rural Sustainability Research 42 (337) 9 (2019)

The Role of Systems of Innovation in Adapting to Climate Change: The Case of the Kenyan Coffee and Dairy Sectors

Kinfe Asayehegn, Ana Iglesias, Bernard Triomphe, Philippe Pédelahore and Ludovic Temple
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n° 24 (3) 127 (2017)