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Article cité :

Promoting oil palm-based agroforestry systems: an asset for the sustainability of the sector

Alix Masure, Pierre Martin, Xavier Lacan and Sylvain Rafflegeau
Cahiers Agricultures 32 16 (2023)

Molecular network of the oil palm root response to aluminum stress

Fernan Santiago Mejia-Alvarado, David Botero-Rozo, Leonardo Araque, Cristihian Bayona, Mariana Herrera-Corzo, Carmenza Montoya, Iván Ayala-Díaz and Hernán Mauricio Romero
BMC Plant Biology 23 (1) (2023)

Análisis del modelo de transferencia de conocimiento en el sector palmífero colombiano

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Tecnura 27 (76) 54 (2023)

Oil palm growers' prospects for sustainable oil palm production. A case study from Campeche, Mexico

Jaime Andrés Cifuentes-Espinosa, Laurène Feintrenie, Claudia Monzón-Alvarado, Birgit Schmook and M. Azahara Mesa-Jurado
Agricultural Systems 212 103780 (2023)

Promouvoir l’agroforesterie à base de palmiers à huile : un atout pour la durabilité de la filière

Alix Masure, Pierre Martin, Xavier Lacan, et al.
Cahiers Agricultures 31 14 (2022)

Light Interception, Photosynthetic Performance, and Yield of Oil Palm Interspecific OxG Hybrid (Elaeis oleifera (Kunth) Cortés x Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) under Three Planting Densities

Hernán Mauricio Romero, Stephany Guataquira and Diana Carolina Forero
Plants 11 (9) 1166 (2022)