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Identification and Use of Latent Variables in the Analysis of The Effects of Certification on Cocoa Farms in the Transamazon

Paula Jaqueline Antes Santana, Antônio Cordeiro de Santana, Silvia Cristina Maia Olimpio, Sérgio Castro Gomes, Fernando Antônio Teixeira Mendes, Ádina Lima de Santana and Nilson Luiz Costa
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Sociobioeconomic Effects of the Transition of Cocoa Grown in Agroforestry Systems to Full Sun in the Amazon

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Soil health indicators in oil palm agroforestry systems in the eastern Amazon, Brazil

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Yield of Bunches of Fresh Oil Palm Fruits (Elaeis Guineenses JACQ.) Grown in Pará: Barrier to Illegal Transport

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Risky for the income, useful for the environment: Predicting farmers' intention to adopt oil palm agroforestry using an extended theory of planned behaviour

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Journal of Cleaner Production 475 143692 (2024)

Implications of smallholder livelihoods for scaling oil palm agroforestry in Brazilian Eastern Amazon

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The ESSU concept for designing, modeling and auditing ecosystem service provision in intercropping and agroforestry systems. A review

Sylvain Rafflegeau, Marie Gosme, Karim Barkaoui, Léo Garcia, Clémentine Allinne, Olivier Deheuvels, Juliette Grimaldi, Patrick Jagoret, Pierre-Éric Lauri, Anne Merot, Aurélie Metay, Francesco Reyes, Stéphane Saj, George Nicolas Curry and Eric Justes
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