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Stratégies de femmes entrepreneures dans les oasis de Ghardaïa en Algérie : s’adapter à un contexte patriarcal et saisir de nouvelles opportunités économiques
Who are the future farmers? Media representations of youth in agriculture, food security and ‘modern’ farming in Indonesia
Tessa D. Toumbourou, Wolfram H. Dressler, Anna Sanders, Ekawati Liu, Trent Brown and Ariane Utomo Asia Pacific Viewpoint 64(2) 188 (2023)
The invisibility of young people in family farming: a gender perspective in the semi-arid region of Ceará, Brazil
Laudemira Silva Rabelo, Julien Daniel Pierre Burte, Élie Anatole Simon Boillot, et al. Cahiers Agricultures 32 6 (2023)
The rural social contract in Morocco and Algeria: reshaping through economic liberalisation and new rules and practices
COVID-19 in Rural India, Algeria, and Morocco: A Feminist Analysis of Small-Scale Farmers' and Agricultural Laborers' Experiences and Inventive Practices
Attention to Sociotechnical Tinkering with Irrigation Infrastructure as a Way to Rethink Water Governance
Jeltsje Sanne Kemerink-Seyoum, Tavengwa Chitata, Carolina Domínguez Guzmán, Luis Miguel Novoa-Sanchez and Margreet Z. Zwarteveen Water 11(8) 1670 (2019)
Generational transmission of smallholder farms in late capitalism
Anne Cassidy, Sharada Srinivasan and Ben White Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement 40(2) 220 (2019)
Women, work, and wage equity in agricultural labour in Saiss, Morocco
Realities, Perceptions, Challenges and Aspirations of Rural Youth in Dryland Agriculture in the Midelt Province, Morocco
Alessandra Giuliani, Sebastian Mengel, Courtney Paisley, Nicole Perkins, Ingrid Flink, Oliver Oliveros and Mariana Wongtschowski Sustainability 9(6) 871 (2017)
Le devenir de la famille paysanne de la réforme agraire dans le Saïss au Maroc sous une perspective de genre