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The Omnibus Law on Job Creation and its potential implications for rural youth and future farming in Indonesia

Anna Sanders, Josi Khatarina, Rifqi Assegaf, Tessa Toumbourou, Heni Kurniasih and Reni Suwarso
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 65 (2) 248 (2024)

Overcoming Barriers to Youth Economic Inclusion in Rural Morocco: A Case Study of Daït Aoua

Mohamed Taha Lahrech, Bochra Makhlouki, Younes Bekkar, Imane Bounadi, Rachid Harbouze, Nassreddine Maatala and Julien Burte
Societies 15 (1) 4 (2024)

Stratégies de femmes entrepreneures dans les oasis de Ghardaïa en Algérie : s’adapter à un contexte patriarcal et saisir de nouvelles opportunités économiques

Amel Bouzid, Meriem Farah Hamamouche and Nicolas Faysse
Cahiers Agricultures 33 29 (2024)

Femmes oasiennes au Maroc : actrices de la survie des oasis

Lisa Bossenbroek, Hind Ftouhi, Elisabeth Berger and Zakaria Kadiri
Cahiers Agricultures 33 33 (2024)

Household Gender Roles and Slow-Onset Environmental Change in Morocco: A Barrier or Driver to Develop Migration Aspirations?

Loubna Ou-Salah, Lore Van Praag and Gert Verschraegen
The Journal of Development Studies 60 (2) 309 (2024)

The water–energy–food–ecosystem nexus in North Africa dryland farming: a multi-criteria analysis of climate-resilient innovations in Morocco

Emirjona Kertolli, Paolo Prosperi, Rachid Harbouze, Rachid Moussadek, Ghizlane Echchgadda and Hatem Belhouchette
Agricultural and Food Economics 12 (1) (2024)

A feminist political ecology of agricultural innovations in smallholder farming systems: Experiences from wheat production in Morocco and Uzbekistan

Dina Najjar, Hanson Nyantakyi-Frimpong, Rachana Devkota and Abderrahim Bentaibi
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Who are the future farmers? Media representations of youth in agriculture, food security and ‘modern’ farming in Indonesia

Tessa D. Toumbourou, Wolfram H. Dressler, Anna Sanders, Ekawati Liu, Trent Brown and Ariane Utomo
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 64 (2) 188 (2023)

The invisibility of young people in family farming: a gender perspective in the semi-arid region of Ceará, Brazil

Laudemira Silva Rabelo, Julien Daniel Pierre Burte, Élie Anatole Simon Boillot, et al.
Cahiers Agricultures 32 6 (2023)

The rural social contract in Morocco and Algeria: reshaping through economic liberalisation and new rules and practices

Annabelle Houdret and Hichem Amichi
The Journal of North African Studies 27 (4) 641 (2022)

« Chacun a droit à sa part ». Une lecture genrée de la production et distribution des olives au sud du Maroc

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L'Année du Maghreb 25 167 (2021)

COVID-19 in Rural India, Algeria, and Morocco: A Feminist Analysis of Small-Scale Farmers' and Agricultural Laborers' Experiences and Inventive Practices

Irene Leonardelli, Lisa Bossenbroek, Hind Ftouhi, et al.
Frontiers in Human Dynamics 3 (2021)

Solar for all: A framework to deliver inclusive and environmentally sustainable solar irrigation for smallholder agriculture

Nicole Lefore, Alvar Closas and Petra Schmitter
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Young people’s willingness to farm under present and improved conditions in Thailand

Marta Ruiz Salvago, Kassirin Phiboon, Nicolas Faysse and Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen
Outlook on Agriculture 48 (4) 282 (2019)

Attention to Sociotechnical Tinkering with Irrigation Infrastructure as a Way to Rethink Water Governance

Jeltsje Sanne Kemerink-Seyoum, Tavengwa Chitata, Carolina Domínguez Guzmán, Luis Miguel Novoa-Sanchez and Margreet Z. Zwarteveen
Water 11 (8) 1670 (2019)

Generational transmission of smallholder farms in late capitalism

Anne Cassidy, Sharada Srinivasan and Ben White
Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement 40 (2) 220 (2019)

Women, work, and wage equity in agricultural labour in Saiss, Morocco

Dina Najjar, Bipasha Baruah, Aden Aw-Hassan, Abderrahim Bentaibi and Girma Tesfahun Kassie
Development in Practice 28 (4) 525 (2018)

Realities, Perceptions, Challenges and Aspirations of Rural Youth in Dryland Agriculture in the Midelt Province, Morocco

Alessandra Giuliani, Sebastian Mengel, Courtney Paisley, Nicole Perkins, Ingrid Flink, Oliver Oliveros and Mariana Wongtschowski
Sustainability 9 (6) 871 (2017)