Table 1

Historical evolution of Japanese agriculture

Evolution historique de l’agriculture japonaise.

Year Events
1930s Masanobu Fukuoka started natural farming
1940s-1950s Organic agriculture began
Agrarian reforms created small-scale family farmers (average 1 ha/farm)
Rapid economic growth (1955-1973)
1970s Organic farming movement and community-supported agriculture (Teikei) flourished
1980s Neoliberalization of policies under the Nakasone administration (1982-1987)
Market liberalization and influx of imported agri-food products
2000s Organic Agriculture Promotion Act enacted in 2006
2010s Radical neoliberal reform in agri-food sector under the Abe administration (2012-2020)
2020s Revision of neoliberal policies under the Kishida administration (2021-present)

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