Instruction for authors

Files for Cahiers Agricultures authors :

Submitting manuscripts

Authors must assure the anonymity of their manuscripts and send them to the journal via the online submission platform:

The English version of the platform is available by clicking the “switch to English” button located on the upper part of the journal page on the platform.

In the “cover letter” window on the electronic submission site the main author must attest that the submitted document has been approved by all authors and that it has not been submitted to other journals.

The main author must propose three reviewers who have no connections to the author(s).

If the article is to be published in a thematic section, the title of the thematic section and the name(s) of its coordinator(s) must be given.

Editorial line

Cahiers Agricultures is an international scientific journal, mainly in French but accepting papers in English when written by authors from English speaking countries, with a peer review committee and Clarivate Analytics (JCR) and Scimago (SJR) impact factors.

Cahiers Agricultures grants integral free access to texts and free publication for authors. It is part of the Sherpa-Romeo “green” category. Authors have authorization to place “post-print” versions of their works online in open archives as well as PDF versions published by the editor.

Cahiers Agricultures publishes pluridisciplinary research works, syntheses and reflections on world farming systems, their development and their place within increasingly urbanized societies.

More precisely, the journal is open to papers concerning:

  • the biological, economic and social bases of farming production;
  • the analysis of farming practices and their impact on the environment;
  • food industry systems, food safety and security;
  • management of rural resources and lands;
  • innovation systems in agriculture.

Cahiers Agricultures is a source of information and scientific references for researchers, teachers and students, but it also addresses a much wider public seeking information on transversal subjects concerning family farming whether tropical, Mediterranean or temperate. Such readers tend to access information increasingly through online electronic search engines.

Supported by two research and teaching institutions (Cirad, IRD), the journal offers French-speaking researchers the possibility of publishing their works in their working language. The journal offers writing aid to such authors insofar as their results are original and present a high enough generic character to interest an audience of international readers. It also accepts articles in English and works with Spanish and Portuguese language reviews to publish translations of the articles.

It is one of the rare French language journals to participate in the FAO “Agora” initiative which helps research and teaching institutions of developing countries to freely access international scientific research.

The journal publishes one issue per year. Articles spontaneously submitted by authors are published as soon as they are accepted and the editing process is completed. Thematic sections are initiated by the editorial board or proposed by an external coordinator. Their articles are also published on a regular basis and are grouped together on a page specific to the thematic section. Among the themes treated over the last few years and illustrating their diversity, one finds: Brazilian agriculture, peri-urban farming, fair trade, family farming, fish farming, millet and sorghum agro-biodiversity, cotton, mycotoxins, localized agrifood systems, livestock production in rural areas, etc.

Advice to authors

Authors will find precious methodological advice (in French) in the work of B. Pochet, “Drafting a Scientific Article,” accessible at:

Authors should consider the interests of a pluridisciplinary audience of readers when drafting their text. It is thus advisable to avoid overuse of extremely specialized technical jargon, abbreviations and symbols known mostly only within their own scientific or technical community. Specific terms should systematically be explained upon first usage.

Through the title, abstract and introduction, authors should give readers all elements necessary for seizing the scientific interest of the article, its originality and its pertinence in relationship to the stakes of society, the overall goal being to create the desire to read within the reading audience.

From introduction to conclusion, authors must maintain reader interest through a concise exposition by eliminating useless details. Authors should bring readers to share their reasoning by presenting well-chosen methodological, historical and epistemological references. In the discussion and conclusion, the originality of the article with reference to earlier publications should be highlighted along with the domain of validity for the results presented.

The journal publishes mainly unedited texts in French or English. Cahiers Agricultures can, however, also publish translations of texts published in other languages if they are of specific interest, subject to the agreement of the publisher holding the rights of reproduction. Cahiers Agricultures also allows its articles to be translated and reproduced in foreign journals upon prior agreement.

Cahiers Agricultures publishes general reviews synthesizing the literature on subjects relevant to its editorial line. Such texts, which contain numerous references, should not exceed 40,000 signs in length (spaces included) unless editorial agreement has been given.

Cahiers Agricultures publishes mainly original articles presenting research works (experimentation, surveys, modelling, simulations, etc.) the results of which contribute notably to the progress of knowledge and innovation. The length of such texts must be adapted to the subjects treated and should not exceed 35,000 signs (spaces included) unless editorial agreement has been given. Additional tolerance may be accepted for original articles dealing with human and social sciences topics.

Subject to exceptions, the journal does not publish research notes on analytical works or laboratory experimentation.

Cahiers Agricultures also publishes opinion articles on topical issues or scientific controversies. Such articles, requested by the editor-in-chief or proposed by the authors, should not exceed 20,000 signs (spaces included).

The text lengths given above include the complete text with title, keywords, abstracts in French and English, bibliographical references, tables and illustrations (diagrams, maps, photos, etc.) with their titles and bilingual legends. Total number of tables and illustrations should not exceed 6, including one photograph illustrating the paper subject.

Manuscripts submitted online pass through several filters, successively:

  • analysis of manuscript conformity (cover letter, continuous numbering of lines, “anonymization” of the text, abstracts in French and English, etc.);
  • analysis of conformity to the journal’s editorial line and originality of results;
  • anonymous assessment by two or three international experts chosen from among those proposed by the authors or by members of the editorial board. Such reviewers cannot be in professional or institutional proximity with the authors.

Presenting manuscripts

The names and references of the authors must be given separately on a fly leaf.

The following elements must be grouped within a single file rendered anonymous and presented as described below, in the following order :

On the first page:

  • a clear and concise title in French and English;
  • an abstract in French and in English of a maximum 300 words each;
  • five keywords, in French and English, in conformance with the Agrovoc thesaurus (

The text should then be given in Word format (.doc or .docx, or .rtf file), with no illustrations and with continuous mode line numbering (Word option: line numbering), in which:

  • symbols and acronyms are explained upon first usage in the body of text as well as in all tables and figures;
  • all bibliographical references and illustrations are called out (photos and maps should be designated as figures), with tables and boxes numbered in Arabic numerals (Tab. 1) (Fig. 2).
  • Footnotes are not allowed.

Next should come the following elements separated by page jumps: a well-chosen list of bibliographical references which are recent and accessible for readers and which conform to norms defined hereinafter;

  • text boxes;
  • table captions in French and English, figure captions in French and English accompanied as necessary with detailed notes in French;
  • tables in Word format and in real table form (lines, columns): scanned images are not accepted and cannot be processed;
  • illustrations (diagrams, maps, and photos) uniformly designated as figures.

For editorial reasons, at all stages of manuscript correction up to final validation, figures, maps, and photos must also be loaded separately from the text as distinct files in jpeg, tiff, or Excel formats and in resolutions and sizes making it possible to assure correct printing (approximately 300 dpi).

In case such illustrations, whether published or not, were made by a third party, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain the set of necessary authorizations from the third party allowing integration of the illustrations in the article and their exploitation in this form. These authorizations of reproduction must be provided with the manuscript.


In the body of the text, bibliographical references are to be identified by name(s) of author(s) (without first name(s)) followed by a comma, then the date, and all placed within parentheses as follows:

  • a single author: text (author, date) text …
  • two authors: text (author1 and author2, date) text …
  • more than two authors: text (author1 et al., date) text …

or, should the drafting of the text necessitate, in the form: according to author (date) text … / according to author1 and author2 (date) text / according to author1 et al. (date) …

In the case of several authors-date citations, they should be separated by a semi-colon. If a given author or several given authors published the same year, the letters a, b, c, etc. should be used after the year of publication.

In the reference list, references are to be given in the alphabetical order of first authors’ names. All authors should be cited up to and including 6. Beyond 6, the first 6 should be given followed by et al. In the case of a first author having published alone and then also with co-authors, the articles published alone should be listed first (in chronological order) and then the articles with co-authors (again in chronological order).


Galtier F, David-Benz H, Subervie J, Egg J. 2014. Agricultural market information systems in developing countries: New models, new impacts. Cahiers Agricultures 23 (4-5): 232-244.


Goodman NW, Edwards MB. 2014. Medical writing: a prescription for clarity, 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 382 p.

Book's chapter

Lepoivre P, Kummert J. 1989. Le diagnostic des maladies parasitaires. In : Semal J, ed. Traité de pathologie végétale. Gembloux (Belgique): Presses agronomiques de Gembloux, pp. 74-96.

Web Page

AuthorAID Resource Library. [2016/10/19]. -- please note the American date format.

The EndNote and Zotero style files corresponding to the Cahiers Agricultures presentation norms are available from Cahiers Agricultures website.

The editorial board would like to thank authors for their attention in following these instructions. Their strict observance will greatly facilitate the publication of their article and reduce publication lead times.


From October 2024, only authenticated ORCIDs will be published in this journal. Any ORCIDs included in the manuscript files or provided outside of the authentication process outlined below will not be included in the published article. Corresponding authors can link their own ORCID to their profile at the time of submission. They should also enter their co-authors details (names and email addresses) in the system at this time. Co-authors listed this way will be automatically invited to confirm that they are co-authors of the manuscript, and to validate their ORCID. This must be done before article acceptance. See also EDP Sciences ORCID policy here.