Table 2

The role of champions.

Rôle des « champions ».

Type, name, function, organisation What makes her/him a champion? What did (s)he achieve? How did (s)he achieve this? When did (s)he play a role? Analysis (type of barrier
Technology champion (oil palm breeder in CRA-PP) Controls planting material production and delivery Selection of nursery sites
Licensing of authorised nurserymen; Withdrawal of licenses from non-compliant nurserymen; Destruction of poor quality seedlings
Visited sites and decided on appropriateness; Trained farmers
Sold germinated seeds to trained nurserymen
Controlled management of authorised nurseries
Promoted authorised nurseries among farmers
During a specific tour and meetings of the IPs
From start of IP until time of writing
Impossibility to distinguish seedling variety by visual inspection
Process champion
(Municipal Agricultural Extension Officer)
Organisational know-how and facilitation skills Helped arrange and organize IP meetings; motivated members to attend meeting Helped convene IP and prepared meetings
Facilitated good working relationships and conducive environment
From start of IP until time of writing Weak or missing interpersonal and inter- organisational relationships
Power champion
(Entrepreneur and oil palm producer)
Provided field for experiment; Influence in important networks Enabled joint experiment; Affected attitudes of decision makers He made his plot available and used his influence From start of IP involvement until time of writing Unequal power relations among key actors (e.g., FBOs)

CRA-PP: Centre de recherches agricoles-plantes pérennes; FBO: farmers based organisation.

Source: RA's analysis of TGPI data; Klerkx et al. (2013).

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