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Typologie et performances économiques des exploitations cotonnières au Bénin

Nouroudine Ollabodé, Mahugnon Maxime Obe, Cokou Patrice Kpadé and Emmanuel Sekloka
Économie rurale 387 49 (2024)

Pulmonary function assessment among conventional and organic cotton farmers exposed to pesticides in the Central-West region of Burkina Faso

Jean Noël Dado Koussé, Sylvain Ilboudo, Abdoul Risgou Ouédraogo, Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwindé Ouédraogo, Moritz Hunsmann, Geoffroy Gueswindé Ouédraogo, Moussa Ouédraogo, Rasmané Semdé and Sylvin Ouédraogo
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 97 (6) 681 (2024)

Self-reported health effects of pesticides among cotton farmers from the Central-West region in Burkina Faso

Jean Noël Dado Koussé, Sylvain Ilboudo, Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwindé Ouédraogo, Moritz Hunsmann, Geoffroy Gueswindé Ouédraogo, Moussa Ouédraogo, Félix Bondo Kini and Sylvin Ouédraogo
Toxicology Reports 11 273 (2023)

Biological management options against the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda causing damage to maize in Senegal

Oumar Mal Sarr, Amadou Bocar Bal and Nathalie Gauthier
Phytoparasitica 51 (5) 975 (2023)

Assessment of pesticide use by determination of environmental indicators: case study of watermelon from Loukkos (Northwest Morocco)

Mohamed Abbou, Mohamed Chabbi and Mohamed Benicha
Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration 8 (3) 463 (2023)

A Novel Approach for Assessing Technical Grade and Quality of Lambda-Cyhalothrin and Acetamiprid in Insecticides Used in Agricultural Systems by HPLC Technique in Southern Benin

Eric Tossou, Ghislain Tepa-Yotto, Genevieve M. Tchigossou, Murielle F. Soglo, Serge Foukmeniok Mbokou, Honorine Hortense Bougna Tchoumi, Aimé H. Bokonon-Ganta, Manuele Tamò and Rousseau Djouaka
Agrochemicals 2 (4) 551 (2023)

Utilisation des pesticides en cultures maraîchères sur l’île d’Idjwi à l’est de la République démocratique du Congo : connaissances et pratiques des agriculteurs

Arsène Mushagalusa Balasha, Dominique Aganze Mulume, Sage Weremubi Mwisha, Jules Nkulu Mwine Fyama and John Tshomba Kalumbu
Cahiers Agricultures 32 5 (2023)

Pesticide Choice and Use Patterns Among Vegetable Farmers on Idjwi Island, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Arsene Mushagalusa Balasha, Aganze Mulume Dominique, Weremubi Mwisha Sage, Sharufa Mukonde Shadya and Janvier Zirhumana Mugisho
Sage Open 13 (4) (2023)

Usage des pesticides et impacts sur la santé des applicateurs en zone cotonnière du Mali

Marjorie Le Bars, Aliou Sissako, Alban de Montgolfier, et al.
Cahiers Agricultures 31 24 (2022)

Occurrences, distribution and risk assessment of polar pesticides in Niger River valley and its tributary the Mekrou River (Niger Republic)

Oumar El Farouk Maman Illatou, Sylvie Spinelli, Murielle Avezac, et al.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (8) 20804 (2022)

Pesticide Exposure Levels and Risk Assessment in Operators Involved in the Cashew Production in Côte d’Ivoire

Yao Stéphane Koffi, James Halbin Kouadio and Diakalia Son
Agricultural Sciences 13 (01) 106 (2022)

Pesticide Exposure Levels and Risk Assessment in Operators Involved in the Cashew Production in Côte d’Ivoire

Yao Stéphane Koffi, James Halbin Kouadio and Diakalia Son
Agricultural Sciences 13 (01) 86 (2022)

Cabbage Production in West Africa and IPM with a Focus on Plant-Based Extracts and a Complementary Worldwide Vision

Abla Déla Mondédji, Pierre Silvie, Wolali Seth Nyamador, Pierre Martin, Lakpo Koku Agboyi, Komina Amévoin, Guillaume Koffivi Ketoh and Isabelle Adolé Glitho
Plants 10 (3) 529 (2021)

Prototyping a Knowledge-Based System to Identify Botanical Extracts for Plant Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

Pierre J. Silvie, Pierre Martin, Marianne Huchard, Priscilla Keip, Alain Gutierrez and Samira Sarter
Plants 10 (5) 896 (2021)

Chronic effects of a binary insecticide Acer 35 EC on Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus through a multi-biomarker approach

Nicresse Léa Guedegba, Ibrahim Imorou Toko, Imen Ben Ammar, et al.
Chemosphere 273 128530 (2021)

Sustainable Development in Africa

Bamou Tankoua Lydie, Kaldjob Mbeh Christian Bernard and Nso Ngang André
World Sustainability Series, Sustainable Development in Africa 461 (2021)

Sanitary quality improvement of fish produced in the northern Benin cotton basin water reservoirs by cage culture and fish transfer in agricultural contaminant-free water: human health implications

Rodrigue O. E. Pèlèbè, Ibrahim Imorou Toko, Issa N. Ouattara, et al.
Tropical Animal Health and Production 52 (6) 3597 (2020)

Toward the efficient use of Beauveria bassiana in integrated cotton insect pest management

H. Fabrice DANNON, A. Elie DANNON, O. Kobi DOURO-KPINDOU, et al.
Journal of Cotton Research 3 (1) (2020)

Évaluation des risques liés à l’utilisation de pesticides en culture cotonnière au Mali

Marjorie Le Bars, Fatoumata Sidibe, Elisabeth Mandart, et al.
Cahiers Agricultures 29 4 (2020)

Joint toxicity of two phytosanitary molecules, lambda-cyhalothrin and acetamiprid, on African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) juveniles

Mahugnon A. B. Houndji, Ibrahim Imorou Toko, Léa Guedegba, et al.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 55 (7) 669 (2020)

Dangers potentiels de l’utilisation des insecticides dans la culture cotonnière au Togo de 1990 à 2010

Kokou K. Djagni and Michel Fok
Cahiers Agricultures 28 23 (2019)