Table 1

Quantitative analysis of the responses of the key actors to the addressed questions.

Analyse quantitative des réponses des acteurs-clés selon les questions posées.

Key actors Description of rural characteristics of Roraima Description of activities and farming practices Calendar construction of the practices used by farmers Determination of the agricultural practices incorporated and adopted by farmers
Farmer cooperative 1 1
Farmers 2 2 2 2
Producers who practise crop-livestock 3 3 3
Producers who practise CLFIS 1 1 1 1
Small-scale diversified production 2 2 2 2
Representatives of the Federal and State governments 2 2
Technicians 2 2 9 9
Credit representative 1 1
Merchants 2 2
Forester 1 1
Grain farmers 4 4
Total 16 16 22 22

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