Table 5

Descriptive statistics.

Statistiques descriptives.

  N Minimum Maximum Average Standard Deviation
Total area (hectares) 153 0.6 1331 47.9 162.9
Milk production (liters per day) 153 20 2000 324.6 317.8
Number of cows (heads) 153 5 180 42.6 30.1
Number of cows in milk (heads) 153 3 72 22.2 14.4
Milk productivity (liters/cow/day) 153 2 30 13.6 6.3
Milk productivity (liters/area) 153 0.86 134 28.9 27.1
Experience in dairy activity (years) 153 1 60 17.6 12.2
Farmer’s age (years) 152 22 86 47.9 12.2
Work hours per day (hours/day) 153 2 13 6.3 2.7
Absent work days (days/year) 153 0 90 2.5 10.8

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