Open Access

Table 7

Estimation results for Tobit model (dependent variable is WTP).

Résultats de l’estimation pour le modèle Tobit.

Variables Coefficient estimates Std. Error t-value Sig
Constant 0.211 0.094 2.245** 0.025
Education 1.745 0.550 3.173*** 0.004
Household size 0.261 0.520 0.502 0.487
Farm size 0.367 0.425 0.864 0.384
Income 0.395 0.067 5.896*** 0.000
The environment has the right to be protected irrespective of the costs 0.254 0.041 6.195*** 0.000
I care about the environment in general 0.067 0.042 1.595 0.133
I feel responsible to finance for adaptation programme to climate change –0.035 0.022 –1.591 0.129
Impacts on agricultural production 0.430 0.096 4.479*** 0.000
Concern for the risk posed by climate change 0.234 0.082 2.854*** 0.010
Pseudo R 2 0.4371
LR Chi2 (9) 211.26
Prob > Chi2 0.000
Log likelihood –347.16
Number of observations 357

Source: author's calculation.

***Significant level at 1%, **Significant level at 5%, *Significance at 10%.

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