Table 1

Variable characteristics.

Description des variables.

Variables Answer type Applied in
V1. Total area (hectares) Metric D
V2. Milk production (liters per day) Metric D/CFA
V3. Number of cows (heads) Metric D/CFA
V4. Number of cows in milk (heads) Metric D/CFA
V5. Milk productivity (liters/cow/day) Metric D
V6. Milk productivity (liters/area) Metric D
V7. Experience in dairy activity (years) Metric D
V8. Farmer’s age (years) Metric D
V9. Work hours per day (hours/day) Metric D
V10. Absent work days (days/year) Metric D
V11. Incentives to labor training Likert Scale (0 to 10) CFA
V12. Satisfaction with dairy activity Likert Scale (0 to 10) CFA
V13. One day off/week Likert Scale (0 to 10) CFA
V14. Vacation Likert Scale (0 to 10) CFA
V15. Economic problems Likert Scale (0 to 10) CFA
V16. Family succession Likert Scale (0 to 10) CFA
V17. Is the work force exclusively from the family? Dichotomic (Yes/No) G

D: descriptive analysis; G: group definition; CFA: common factor analysis.

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