Table 2

Schematic view of Africa-Milk’s nine dairy processor partners (source: project data).

Données générales sur les neuf laiteries partenaires du projet Africa-Milk (données du projet).

Type of dairy processor Name (country) L/day Producers
Small-size Bonnet Vert (BF) 300 30
Plateforme Lait de Banfora (BF) 800 100
Sodimilk (MD) 1000–1500 150
Medium-size Kirène (SN) 1500 (N)–300 (F) 5 (N)–100 (F)
Laiterie du Berger (SN) 4000 900
Mukurweini Wakulima Dairy Ltd. (KE) 7000 7400
Happy Cow Ltd. (KE) 9000 2000
Socolait (MD) 11 000 2000
Industrial-size New Kenya Co-operatives Creameries Ltd. (KE) 350 000 100 000

BF: Burkina Faso; KN: Kenya; MD: Madagascar; SN: Senegal; N: Niayes area; F: Fatick area.

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