Table 1

Examples of reported negative, positive or null impacts of livestock systems on nutrient cycling.

Exemples d’impacts négatifs, positifs ou nuls des systèmes d’élevage sur le cycle des nutriments.

Variable Negative impact Positive impact Null impact References
C and N stock in green above ground biomass grass-MG shrub-UG, MD, OG Oñatibia et al. (2015)
C and N stock in standing dead biomass grass-OG shrub-UG, MD, OG
C and N stock in litter OG
C and N stock in roots UG, MD, OG
total N, NH4+ and NO3− OG Enriquez et al. (2014)
C stock in roots + SOC (= total below ground C storage) LG, MD, OG Larreguy et al. (2014)
SOC OG Larreguy et al. (2014)
SOC UG, MD, OG Golluscio et al. (2009)
N and C mineralization OG
SOC content OG Enriquez et al. (2015)
SOC stock OG
Above and below ground biomass and C storage OG
Organic matter decomposition SVP Bahamonde et al. (2012)
Litterfall SVP
SOC SVP-OG Chillo et al. (2018)

LG, MG and OG: low, moderate and overgrazing; UG: ungrazed sites; SVP: sylvo-pastoral system; SOC: soil organic carbon; SON: soil organic nitrogen; SOM: soil organic matter.

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