Table 5

Keywords discussed in the Japanese National Diet and publications.

Mots-clés discutés au parlement japonais et dans les publications japonaises.

Keywords Family farming Agroecology Organic agriculture Smart agriculture
Family Farming 4* (4.6%) 7* (3.9%) 2* (1.0%)
Agroecology 8 (7.6%) 5* (4.1%) 0* (0.0%)
Organic Agriculture 12 (1.8%) 16 (2.5%) 18* (7.7%)
Smart Agriculture 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 4 (0.3%)

Sources: National Diet Proceedings Search System ( and CiNii (> ) searched on February 7, 2024, by the author.

Notes: * Number of proceedings in the Japanese National Diet. Publications include articles, books, Ph. D theses, and projects.

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