Table 1
Entities and respondents (in brackets) interviewed in Paragominas (PGM) and Irituia (IRT). Columns correspond to the type of knowledge mobilized and rows to the entities’ activities/sectors.
Structures et répondants (entre parenthèses) interviewés à Paragominas (PGM) et Irituia (IRT). Les colonnes correspondent aux types de connaissances mobilisées et les lignes aux activités/secteurs des organismes.
Type of activity | Type of knowledge | |||
Institutional | Technical | Research | Empirical | |
Production support | Municipal Dep. of Agriculture (InsPGM1 and 2; InsIRT1) | EMATER1 (TecPGM1; TecIRT1) SENAR1 (TecPGM2; TecIRT3) COODERSUS1 (TecIRT2) |
Cooperuraim2 (EmpPGM5) D’Irituia2 (EmpIRT3) COAPEMI2 (EmpIRT2) |
Purchase of products | Municipal Dep. of Education3 (InsPGM4; InsIRT6) Municipal Dep. of Social Development3 (InsIRT3 and 4) |
Environmental regularization | Municipal Dep. of Environment (InsPGM3; InsIRT2) | State Forestry Development Institute, IDEFLOR (TecPGM3, TecIRT4) | Inst. of People and the Envir. of the Amazon, IMAZON (SciPGM3) | |
Social support | Municipal Dep. of Education (InsIRT5) | Union of Rural Workers (EmpPGM1 to 4, EmpIRT1) | ||
Knowledge production | Federal Rural University of Amazon, UFRA (SciPGM1, SciIRT2) Brazilian Agricultural Research Agency, EMBRAPA (SciPGM2, SciIRT1) |
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