Table 1

Entities and respondents (in brackets) interviewed in Paragominas (PGM) and Irituia (IRT). Columns correspond to the type of knowledge mobilized and rows to the entities’ activities/sectors.

Structures et répondants (entre parenthèses) interviewés à Paragominas (PGM) et Irituia (IRT). Les colonnes correspondent aux types de connaissances mobilisées et les lignes aux activités/secteurs des organismes.

Type of activity Type of knowledge
  Institutional Technical Research Empirical
Production support Municipal Dep. of Agriculture (InsPGM1 and 2; InsIRT1) EMATER1 (TecPGM1; TecIRT1)
  Cooperuraim2 (EmpPGM5)
D’Irituia2 (EmpIRT3)
Purchase of products Municipal Dep. of Education3 (InsPGM4; InsIRT6)
Municipal Dep. of Social Development3 (InsIRT3 and 4)
Environmental regularization Municipal Dep. of Environment (InsPGM3; InsIRT2) State Forestry Development Institute, IDEFLOR (TecPGM3, TecIRT4) Inst. of People and the Envir. of the Amazon, IMAZON (SciPGM3)  
Social support Municipal Dep. of Education (InsIRT5)     Union of Rural Workers (EmpPGM1 to 4, EmpIRT1)
Knowledge production     Federal Rural University of Amazon, UFRA (SciPGM1, SciIRT2)
Brazilian Agricultural Research Agency, EMBRAPA (SciPGM2, SciIRT1)

Public/private rural extension entities.


Family-farmer cooperatives.


Representatives of food procurement programs.

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