Open Access
Tableau 1
Laboratoires de recherche sur l’écosystème des grains stockés, créés en 1960–1980 dans différents pays producteurs ou exportateurs de céréales.
Research teams created in years 1960–1980 in many grain-producing or importing countries, involved in research on the stored grain ecosystem.
Pays | Laboratoire | Année de création |
États-Unis (Manhattan, KS) | Kansas State University – Stored-Product Entomology Department | 1950 |
Royaume-Uni (Slough, Berks.) | Pest Infestation Laboratory – Department of Scientific & Industrial Research | 1961 |
Australie (Canberra) | CSIRO division of Entomology | 1961 |
Pologne (Poznan) | Institut de Protection des Plantes – Division entomologie et acarologie des denrées | 1963 |
Canada (Winnipeg) | Grain Research Laboratory – Agriculture Canada Research Station | 1965 |
Israël (Bet Dagan-Tel-Aviv) | Postharvest and Food Sciences – The Volcani Research Center | 1967 |
France (Bordeaux) | Laboratoire des Insectes des Denrées Stockées (LIDS) | 1969 |
France (Montpellier) | Institut de Recherches Agronomiques Tropicales (IRAT) | 1970 |
Australie (Canberra) | Stored Grain Research Laboratory (SGRL) | 1970 |
États-Unis (Savannah, GA) | Stored-Product Insects Research and Development Laboratory USDA-ARS | 1970 |
Portugal (Lisbonne) | Centro Estudos Fitossanidade – Armazenamento | 1970 |
France (Cenon) | Laboratoire National Denrées Stockées – Ministère de l’Agriculture | 1970 |
Chine (Nanjing) | Nanjing College of Food Economics – Research Institute of Wild Plants | 1974 |
Argentine (Buenos Aires) | National Agriculture Technology Institute (INTA) Grain Research | 1975 |
Allemagne (Berlin) | Institute for Stored Product Protection, Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry | 1980 |
Chine (Chengdu) | Cereal Research Institute – Sichuan Agricultural University | 1985 |
URSS (Moscow) | All Union Research Institute for Grain and Products of Grain | 1985 |
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